• How To Recession-Proof Your Business In 5 Steps

    Whether you need to build cash reserves and secure financing, leverage more technology, control operating expenses, or simply minimize losses, the plans you make now will help you navigate any challenges ahead.

  • The MSP's Guide To Business Continuity And Disaster Recovery On Azure

    As cloud adoption continues to grow among small and medium businesses (SMBs), Microsoft Azure has emerged as a popular option. When SMBs run workloads in Azure, they agree to a shared responsibility model. In this model, the cloud provider (Microsoft) assumes responsibility for the security and protection of the physical data centers, hosts, and network, while the user is responsible for everything else—including information and data, applications, and more.

  • Pro Tips For Backing Up Large Datasets

    Successfully recovering from disruption or disaster is one of an IT administrator’s most critical duties. Whether it’s restoring servers or rescuing lost data, failure to complete a successful recovery can spell doom for a company.

  • 8 Key Tips For Mastering Migration

    There’s always new tech on the horizon driving companies to adopt new methods and more efficient ways of doing business. But IT pros know that shiny new software and hardware often mean complicated onboarding procedures.

  • Backup And Disaster Recovery Testing For MSPs And Enterprise Organizations

    The ability to recover from data loss is a measure of cyber fitness. As with any good fitness plan, it requires regular workouts as part of an overall fitness regimen. The difference is, instead of lifting heavier weights for more reps, the goal you’re working toward is assurance that service level agreements (SLAs) can be met. To get started, take an accounting of all the systems, software and platforms in the organization and create categories...

  • Incorporating A Remote Workforce Into Your Business Continuity And Pandemic Planning

    Historically, organizations have looked at an existing business continuity (BC) and disaster recovery (DR) plan through the lens of natural disasters and terrorism that would affect the physical location of an organization’s headquarters or data centers. Their main focus was on being able to relocate those services to another location to restore business capabilities within a pre-defined amount of time.

  • Backup And Disaster Recovery Testing: How To Make Sure You Can Recover When It Matters

    The moment you experience an outage or loss of data is not the time to wonder whether your disaster recovery solution will work. As with anything that protects the lifeblood of your business, you need to know it will work.

  • Backup Is The Backbone Of Cyber Resilience

    As more employees work remotely and businesses rely more heavily on collaboration and filesharing applications, it’s critical to continually re-examine your backup and disaster recovery plan to ensure there are no gaps in your data protection. 

  • Cyber Resilience For Business Continuity

    Ten years ago, you didn’t see state actors attacking [small businesses]. But it’s happening now, warns George Anderson, product marketing director at Carbonite + Webroot, OpenText companies.

  • Buyer's Guide: DRaaS Features And Functionality

    When a server stops responding, for whatever reason, the fastest way to resume service is to have a secondary environment ready to go. But traditionally, the redundant hardware, server space and additional human resources required have made this a prohibitive option. Most organizations simply cannot afford the costs and resources required to maintain secondary, off-site infrastructure. In the end, many IT departments simply live with the risk of potential business-ending outages.

  • Town Of Colonie Avoids More Than $400,000 In Ransom Due To Appliances And Backup

    The stories of ransomware attacks have unfortunately become more common, especially among municipalities. But, when the Town of Colonie, in the greater Albany, NY region, became the latest to fall prey to a ransomware attempt, the outcome was different than many others thanks to protection from Carbonite. 

  • Cloud Storage vs. Cloud Backup

    With more employees working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic, a lot of people are trying to figure out how to protect the files they’re working on outside the office. Some are stuck between “cloud storage” services and “cloud backup.” While many confuse the two, there are important differences.

  • Data Breach Response Planning Guide

    The same things that make you valuable to your client as a managed service provider make you a target for a security breach. Your expertise in storing, accessing and maintaining sensitive information draws the attention of cybercriminals. Your connections to multiple platforms, vendors and clients are enticing for bad actors looking for one-stop shops for their own black market supplies: credit card information, social security numbers, personal information, internal contacts and other sensitive information.

  • Carbonite Endpoint Encryption: An In-Depth Look At The Encryption Technology Behind Our Premium Endpoint Backup Solution

    As one of our core pillars, addressing the end-to-end security and privacy of data is a primary requirement of Carbonite Endpoint. By utilizing our automated key management and encryption technology in conjunction with our unique data deduplication, both efficiency of data deduplication and security of data can be accomplished. This document describes the end-to-end encryption process and encryption key life cycle management.


  • Carbonite Data Protection & Cyber Resilience

    Data protection is a balancing act between the need to protect data and the need to protect access to data. The trick lies with deploying the right protection across the different systems and types of data. IT pros need confidence that the protection they deploy can...

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Safe

    Automatically back up computers and servers to the cloud with options to protect files locally for faster recovery. Carbonite Safe is designed to scale from consumers and home offices to small businesses with one or more servers.

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Availability

    Downtime strikes IT organizations from a multitude of sources. From the relatively rare natural disaster to the more commonplace user errors, malicious attacks or patching problems, IT teams can guarantee that downtime will strike some of their systems every year. 

  • Carbonite Availability

    Carbonite Availability enables IT organizations to maintain the highest availability of their Windows and Linux servers. Continuous, byte-level replication maintains a secondary copy without taxing the primary system or network bandwidth.

  • Carbonite Recover

    Ensure higher levels of uptime for top-tier systems with push-button cloud failover.

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Server

    Ransomware. Human error. Hardware failure. Natural disasters. The list of threats to business data and systems is endless. Businesses of all sizes need a straightforward, complete backup and recovery solution that keeps data secure, minimizes downtime and protects company operations.

  • Carbonite Server

    All businesses need a straightforward, comprehensive backup and recovery solution that keeps data secure, minimizes downtime and protects company operations. Carbonite Server is a simple, all-in-one, server backup and recovery solution for physical, virtual and legacy systems. 

  • Brochure: Carbonite Migrate

    For simple and seamless hardware upgrades, virtualization, switching hypervisors, and moving to, from and between clouds.

  • Carbonite Backup For Microsoft 365

    Why it’s necessary to back up Microsoft collaboration tools.

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Migrate

    Migrate physical, virtual and cloud workloads over any distance with near-zero customer downtime.

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Endpoint

    Protect customer desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.

  • Datasheet: Carbonite Recover

    Ensure higher levels of uptime for top-tier systems with push-button cloud failover.

  • Carbonite Migrate

    For simple and seamless hardware upgrades, virtualization, switching hypervisors, and moving to, from and between clouds.

  • Carbonite Backup For Microsoft 365

    Why it’s necessary to back up Microsoft collaboration tools.