The Single Best Security Feature To Offer And Why
By Brady Duncan, The Computer Place & ASCII Group Member

The truth of the matter is that many good MSPs provide the same network-level and hardware-level security. We’re all reading from the same book. To provide security above and beyond, we need to consider factors that may seem out of our control. A fact many of us choose to ignore is that the biggest security threat in any network is the end user. What end users do with their passwords certainly may seem out of our control, but in reality, we have a powerful tool on our side. It’s been disguising itself as a simple quality-of-life feature all along; let’s explore what makes Single Sign-On the single best security feature in our industry.
People type in passwords all the time. If I’m prompted for a password that I use every day, I don’t really give it a second thought before just typing it. What if I didn’t know my password though? That would make even the best phishing attempts fall flat as a pancake! I’d be impervious to any attempt to steal my password. This is the first benefit of Single Sign-On in all its glory; one password, entered once, gives you access to all apps and websites with SSO enabled. This lowers the attack surface to one single point, all day long.
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