Articles by Stanley Louissaint
4 Cloud-Based Services Every MSP Should Offer
It's no secret cloud-based services are in abundance right now. As an MSP, there are certain services that you must have in your arsenal to offer to your clients. By Stanley Louissaint, president, Fluid Designs Inc. and ASCII Group member since 2014
5 Reasons You Can't Afford Not To Charge More For Your Services
Pricing is a touchy subject for many, including your prospects. People tend to shy away from discussing money for one reason or another. Unfortunately, in business, this is not the right attitude and pricing should be at the forefront of your mind with all of your engagements.
The Biggest Threat To The Channel? Manufacturers That Sell To End Users
The biggest threat to the channel is the same as it has always been — manufacturers. Businesses are constantly seeking growth and expansion. Part of this formula requires keeping investors and shareholders happy. The need for manufacturers to always have constant and accelerated growth has become the new normal but there are only so many ways in which this can actually occur. Being a channel friendly company allows manufacturers to sell their products or services through the channel without dealing with end users.
Retail Data Or Healthcare Data: Which Is More Secure?
Data breaches are one of the biggest threats and concerns today for an individual. There are two industries where these threats have impacted individuals the most — healthcare and retail. Does either one of these industries pose a greater threat than the other? I think so.
5 Warnings About Jurisdiction And Cloud Storage
Technology and law are two things that can never seem to get on the same page. Technology moves at such a rapid pace that the law can never seem to catch up. Now, mix in the advent of cloud storage and the complexities begin to mount. Cloud storage has spurned a global phenomenon where your clients data can be housed anywhere in the world. Without even knowing it, your clients data stored in the cloud can be subject to local, national and even international laws.
How To Develop The Best BYOD Security For Your Customers
Bring your own device (BYOD) is no longer a trend but a fixture in today’s business world. Employees are now purchasing the latest smartphones, and employers — your clients — are taking advantage of that situation. Because of the savings in hardware and software purchases for the employer coupled with instantaneous access to employees, an “open door” policy has erupted towards these devices; yet security policies have not caught up and are leaving IT departments with growing concerns.