
Video: Zenith Infotech Backup Guardian Overview

Source: Zenith Infotech Ltd.

According to Storage Magazine, only 34% of companies actually test their backups. Out of those that do test, 77% of tape backups failed to restore.

Testing backups and ensuring recoverability must be an integral part of your business continuity practice. Neglecting backup testing is critical enough to jeopardize both you and your client's business if not done regularly. Technicians can spend a significant amount of time, up to 90 hours a month, performing adequate backup testing. These costs are typically assumed by the IT service provider or not done at all.

Backup Guardian Services include:

  • Monthly Virtual Failover Testing
  • Monthly Backup Testing
  • Backup Integrity Checks for File System, Exchange and Active Directory
  • Virtual File Browser to Data Stored at Zenith's Collocation Facility
  • Monitored BDR to BDR Replication
  • Colo-level Server Hosting for Site Disasters