Why EMV Payment Integrations Aren't Easy
Software developers face many challenges. Staying relevant to customers, finding new ways to deliver value, and remaining competitive takes time and energy. It is no surprise that issues outside of the core features and functions of the software -- such as payment security and EMV — are regarded with such an aversion. Most developers are in business to solve unique needs of a market or business segment; they're not experts in payments. Unfortunately, today the ability to process cards comes at a significant cost and effort.
Securing card data at rest and in transit, and adhering to the EMV standard are legitimate requirements. Like it or not, payment processing and its related security must be addressed by developers.
In response, many payment gateways have flooded the market with promises of quick and easy integrations giving a false impression that, in no time, developers can achieve the level of payment security required, address certifications, and get back to the business of developing their software. Unfortunately, EMV Level 3 certifications are often inflated promises, so what initially appeared to be a simple process, turns into a nightmare.
To reduce, and even eliminate, the chances your integration becomes such a burden, there are some simple, but important things to keep in mind before you even get started.
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