Submitted by apg | "Swipe fees" charged by credit card companies, which merchants must pay and often pass on to consumers, have become a high cost for businesses, leading to higher prices for goods and services. |
Submitted by The ASCII Group | In our ongoing quest to provide you with the best business advice possible, we’ve partnered with The ASCII Group and their members, who are going to share their thoughts on timely topics or best business practices. In this article, ASCII members answered our questions about what an MSP needs to do to ensure strong, fruitful client relationships. |
Blockchain Terminology: A Glossary For Beginners | Submitted by CompTIA | Learn the basic terminology for blockchain technology. From Address to Zeppelin — and everything in between — here’s the entire list of terms beginners need to know. Created by CompTIA’s Blockchain Advisory Council, the glossary is designed to raise blockchain awareness by giving prospective users and customers a better understanding of the technology, its history, and use cases in the market. |
Submitted by RSPA | At a recent RSPA Niche & Startup ISV Community meeting, vendor and distributor executives engaged in a lively one-hour discussion with software executives, exploring what each group wants from the other. |