Article | May 31, 2018

5 MSP Tips For Staying Ahead Of The Latest Cybersecurity Threats

Source: Solarwinds MSP

By Tim Brown, vice president, security, SolarWinds MSP

Today’s business owners are under enormous pressure to protect their companies from a wide range of sophisticated cyber adversaries. For business owners and MSPs alike, data security can feel like a daunting task. Recentresearch from Verizon found that 60% of the time, attackers can compromise an organization in minutes. Adding fuel to the fire is that costs associated with lost business as the result of a breach average $1.57 million USD, according to research from Ponemon.

While no security strategy is 100% fail-safe, MSPs that follow these five security tips will gain an edge:

  1. Educate customers about security best practices. Fifty-two percent (source: CompTIA) of all data breaches are caused by human errors, ranging from employees using unsecured USB devices that end up in the wrong hands to clicking on links or attachments in phishing emails. To minimize this risk, take the time to help your customers establish security policies, train their employees on best practices, and consistently remind them that these best practices provide the first line of defense in keeping their systems and data safe.

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