CIOs, Developers Differ On Real-Time Data Analysis
By Christine Kern, contributing writer
Research in Q3 2015 reveals that among companies with real-time data analysis capabilities more than 90 percent believe real-time streaming data analysis can positively affect their company’s bottom line. But the story you hear might be different depending who you are talking to.
The findings from VoltDB are based on a survey conducted by ResearchNow,of more than 150 IT professionals, with a near equal breakdown among CIOs, developers, and IT managers. The results of the survey show there is a difference in perception regarding real-time data analytics depending on role. Of the CIOs surveyed, 84 percent state their companies can analyze data in real time, compared to 42 percent of developers. Developers cite budget and limited resources as the biggest barrier to responding in real time, compared to only 18 percent of CIOs.
The report’s accompanying infographic illustrates research findings that 72 percent of CIOs believe real-time data analysis can drive operational efficiencies and customer experience improvements, but only 36 percent of developers either “strongly agree” or “completely agree” with statement. Also, 74 percent of CIOs believe real-time streaming data apps and Big Data apps have different requirements, but only 36 percent of developers believe they have different requirements.
The report concludes, “With real-time streaming analytics becoming the lifeblood of today’s data-driven economy, the 2015 Real-time Data Report uncovered a number of disconnects in how organizations and job titles view real-time data. And while these disconnects make for interesting conversation, there were no disagreements when it comes to the business benefits of real-time data analysis.”
Your IT customers can use the insights from real-time data analysis to personalize interaction with customers, drive efficiencies that help them stay ahead of the competition, or in any way that can give them an edge when they can have an answer “now.”