Guest Column | February 9, 2015

An MSP Lists The Top 4 Features Of An RMM Solution

By Albert J. Gyomber, President, Technology Visionaries LLC, ASCII member since 2010

I remember when starting my business I purchased remote monitoring and management (RMM) software because the salesperson told me that I would be able to call my clients when their printer ink was low. I thought that was a great feature, so I bought the RMM tool. I figured if it could do that it should be able to handle the basics as well — even though I really didn’t understand what the basics were at the time. Turns out, it couldn’t do anything that I really needed it to do on a day-to-day basis. I’ve since learned that there are some features I just can’t live without and our needs are much different today.

Here is a list of the top four features of our RMM solution and why they aren’t what the vendors talk about.

  1. Nearly every activity our RMM tool performs generates a ticket in our PSA (professional services automation) tool. It not only generates a ticket but also adds ticket comments, time entries, and resolves the ticket if the work was performed successfully. We typically “bill” for less than what it would take someone manually to perform that task and the bill is written off against our managed services agreement. You’d be surprised how quickly that time adds up. We can almost always demonstrate the savings our agreements offer because if we were to bill for all of the individual work being performed, they would be paying much more than they are for our agreement. This shows the value of the services in a tangible way; because of this, it is important that your RMM and PSA software tools are integrated and if they aren’t, start looking at replacing one of them.

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