Magazine Article | June 13, 2007

Why Aren't You Selling Digital Signage?

What VARs should know before selling digital signage.

Business Solutions, July 2007

The digital signage market is changing the way major media and advertising companies are approaching marketing to customers. As defined by the Digital Signage Industry Group, digital signage simply is a network of digital displays that are centrally managed for targeted information, entertainment, merchandising, and advertising. In the retail market, digital signage can be defined in the same way. In fact, digital signage has become an excellent way to communicate information with target customers outside of the home, including everything from events to real-time messages. Simply put, digital signage serves as a media distribution channel that reaches audiences of all sizes.

There are many different content and media options, often easily transferred from other forms of communication being used in today's business world. For instance, it's common to take any timely information or advertising from business Web sites and extract dynamic content from those sources to use in the digital signage system. However, it's important to note that digital signage is not limited to displaying static information; oftentimes the system can also be used to broadcast live events.

Sell Digital Signage To Multiple Verticals
There are a number of market segments (corporate communications, retail, medical, transportation, house of worship, and hospitality) that are using digital signage for easy distribution of media and information. The primary application across any market tends to be centered on relative and timely information. Therefore, digital signage is effective in any market where you have a group of people in an area for any period of time. The good news for VARs is that digital signage systems of all sizes can be created and implemented, depending on budget and requirements. A digital signage system can range from a simple single display running Microsoft PowerPoint, to a very large system that has multiple displays, in varying locations, with varying forms of content.

Sell Digital Signage On Its Benefits
A good way to start a digital signage system is to first define the type of content intended for display. When selling digital signage, POS VARs should be ready to explain the technology as it relates it other means of communication such as print advertising or a Web site. The content in a digital signage system is the most important component and should be considered before and after a digital signage system is installed. File format and resolutions should be driven by the content and not by the digital signage system.

Over the next few years, you can expect digital signage to become more commonplace in many aspects of our lives. Today, the technologies of mobile phones, mobile e-mail, and Internet have made our society one that wants pertinent information instantly. Digital signage technology plays into this same theme of communicating relative and timely information.