Magazine Article | March 1, 1998

Computer Output To Laser Disk Helps Out Man's Best Friend

PETsMART stores 2 million inventory documents for nearly 400 stores using COLD and has plans to use this technology in other departments.

Business Solutions, March 1998
PETsMART uses Hyland Software Inc.'s OnBase COLD module to manage information in its inventory department. Since the OnBase's installation, PETsMART has upgraded to the point where today the system holds almost 2 million documents for nearly 400 stores. A single monthly COLD report reaches ¾ GB of data.

Expanding COLD Into Other Departments
PETsMART is committed to the OnBase system and plans to expand the system to its accounts payable department. The company has also recently upgraded to the OnBase 3.4 version. Part of this update included the installation of Oracle on a Microsoft NT server.

The database server now resides on a RAID array attached to a 256 MB Dual Pentium Pro Compaq system. The data resides on a multi-volume RAID array in a similar environment. The systems are backed up using 30 GB DLT tape sub-systems.

COLD Provides Storage Solution For A Variety Of Data
OnBase COLD is an integrated solution for storage of reports, statements, invoices or any document that originates as host-generated data and allows users to view, annotate, print, e-mail or fax this information from their desktops. In addition, the OnBase architecture allows for features like cross-referencing - giving the user the ability to double-click on any document and instantly retrieve all related information.

Imaging, Workflow and More Also Part Of The Solution
Other modules than COLD that comprise the OnBase System include OnBase Client, Document Imaging, Document Import Processor, Internet Server, Workflow and CD Publishing.