Magazine Article | October 19, 2010

A New School Approach To Security Integration

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Feature Article: A New School Approach To Security Integration

By Mike Monocello, Business Solutions magazine.

As one integrator competing against many others, Phil Aronson, CEO of Aronson Security Group (ASG), saw a deficiency in the way the entire reseller community was selling security solutions. Specifically, Aronson noted that the majority of installers were selling solutions with minimal interaction with the customer to uncover all the customer's needs and how the solution would perform and impact other areas of the customer's business. The result is customers purchasing solutions that don't fully meet their needs, having solutions with an unclear ROI and TCO (total cost of ownership), and having solutions that might not be fully utilized. The integrator knew that there had to be a better way.

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Feature Article: A New School Approach To Security Integration