Patrick Grueschow

  • 7 All-In-One POS Must-Haves

    Like their printer counterparts, an all-in-one POS (point of sale) system combines multiple technologies and integrates them into one housing to maximize value plus convenience to the end user. When talking about an all-in-one POS system, I am referring to a system that will conveniently deliver everything a business needs to begin processing customers.

  • 12 Reasons There Will Always Be A Market For Fixed POS

    Scouring the Internet you can easily find an overabundance of vendors making a case for the mobile POS system. Some even cite that 36 percent of all POS (point of sale) systems will make way for the new technology.  However, what we do not hear about is how many of those devices will businesses return, because the mobile POS proved inadequate in the real world?

  • The Role Receipt Printers Play In A Solution That Enhances Customer Experience

    Generally, one would not expect a receipt printer to fulfill more than the obvious — print receipts. However, a closer look reveals that with some ingenuity, receipt printers can serve a number of roles to maximize a customer’s experience: deploying them at key locations to speed up customer throughput, ensuring accurate plus timely order processing, and keeping clients informed on current transactions or future deals.

  • 10 Ways To Protect POS From Malware

    While point of sale (POS) threats have existed for years, 2014 has set a dubious record, as criminals placed the POS system in the spotlight with a number of well publicized attacks. Their severity proves that the risk of becoming the next cyberattack victim has soared. Why should they attack your clients?