Michael Fimin

Michael Fimin, an expert in information security, is the CEO and co-founder of Netwrix, a provider of change and configuration auditing solutions. Netwrix delivers visibility into who did what, when, and where across the entire IT infrastructure.

  • Rising Security Priorities: 5 Security Trends To Watch

    Over the past eight years major IT industry shifts have demanded attention and budget. Hot topics that have dominated the IT conversation have included unstructured data governance, network monitoring, threat detection, virtualization, new cost-effective approaches to infrastructure management, and backup and disaster recovery solutions that help restore sensitive information in case of data loss or theft. These topics have changed the way IT manages and protects their environment, but even more where they place their resources and time.

  • How To Protect Your Customers' IT Infrastructures Against Security Vulnerabilities

    It wasn’t long since the Heartbleed bug made waves across the Internet and put hundreds of online services and systems at risk of personal data exposure. Now, it’s again a busy season for solutions providers that focus on security, as a new vulnerability — Shellshock — was found running uncontrolled over the Internet, and it soon proved a far more serious threat than Heartbleed.