Matthew Adkins

  • Bellini Challenges The Channel To Save The World

    Citing statistics that predict the world population (currently at 7.7 billion) leveling off at around 11 billion by 2100, ConnectWise president Arnie Bellini called on the IT channel to play a lead role in the global challenges associated with overpopulation at his annual IT Nation Connect conference in Orlando last week.

  • Tips To Identify And Leverage A Wedge To Break Into Managed Services

    A few years ago, one of my vendors held an online event with author Randy Schwantz as guest. Schwantz had written two books about using “The Wedge” to displace your competitor’s and win more clients. After an hour on the phone, I was hooked. The very next week I used some of these techniques in a prospect meeting to ultimately get my competition fired and land the client’s entire business — a client from which I am still making monthly recurring revenue. I have used these techniques ever since with great success.