White Paper

A New Technological Paradigm Sets The Trend For The Security Industry: Security From The Cloud

Source: Panda Security

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White Paper: A New Technological Paradigm Sets The Trend For The Security Industry: Security From The Cloud

By Panda Security

According to cloudcomputing.org , "Cloud Computing is a nebulous term covering an array of technologies and services including: grid computing, utility computing, Software as a Service (SaaS), storage in the cloud and virtualization. There is no shortage of buzzwords and definitions differ depending on who you talk to."

Leading analysts have also sought to define the term, offering varying explanations which, although they don't coincide completely, have much in common.

IDC defines Cloud Computing as "Consumer and business products, services and solutions delivered and consumed in real-time over the Internet." It also defines eight attributes that a solution should have in order to be cataloged under cloud computing.

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White Paper: A New Technological Paradigm Sets The Trend For The Security Industry: Security From The Cloud